New Plan!

I know I was mostly MIA last year, but not a lot of knitting has happened, so I’m making an executive decision (this blog and my kitchen are my only jurisdictions, give me a break). As I mentioned in my destash post, M and I are moving– AGAIN. However, this time it’s not to the Deep South or way up North, it’s just across town. We bought our very first apartment, and it’s a fixer upper for sure, but that’s where we come in!

There’s a lot that has to get done– from mood boards to sanding and repainting furniture to tile shopping. And by the end, there will hopefully be a butterfly-like transformation from a dingy, generic space to a beautiful and inspired home. I hope that you poor neglected readers, who ever is still reading, will enjoy the journey. New readers, welcome! Any advice, tips, tricks, or horror stories are appreciated!

The apartment as we found it was a scary place– covered floor to ceiling and wall to wall with the belongings of its previous owners, who had recently passed. It appears that they had lived here for a very very long time, and not made any changes or upgrades to the original 1952 apartment. It still has its original cast iron bathtub, 36” wide gas stove (here in NYC, 24” is the norm, 30” is an extravagance), metal kitchen cabinets, and deteriorating parquet floors. Once we got all the stuff emptied out, we noticed the severe water damage in the bathroom and back walls of the closets. We also noticed the electrical outlets– they are all two prong! Eek, this is going to be a big project.

Step 1: Get it empty… check! I’ll leave it here for now. Next time around I’ll post some inspiration boards and possible kitchen/bath ideas. I promise they will be good! Happy New Year, everyone!

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